Replacing Service Certificates that are near expiration

November 26th, 2008

Service Broker services use certificates for authenticating message origin and for encrypting messages. I have explained in detail how this authentication works in my earlier post Conversation Authentication. The certificates used for service authentication are most times self-signed certificates created directly by SQL Server using CREATE CERTIFICATE and they expire by default one year after creation. When these certificates expire they have to be replaced and this article is goal is to help you do thisreplacement with no impact on production systems.

Identifying the certificates used by services

Here is a recap of the criteria Service Broker uses to pick a certificate to represent an service identity:

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Conversations Authentication

November 4th, 2008

I have covered before how certificate based authentication works for endpoints. I think is only fair to have a similar article covering how services use certificates for authentication and security. Service Broker conversations are very different though from endpoints in the way they use certificates for authentication and security. Unfortunately there is no similar protocol I could reffer to, like it was the case with endpoints and TLS.

Service Broker conversations need authentication in order to allow or reject the sender of a message as being permitted to send messages to a destination service. The message sender in this context is the service that initiated the conversation. In Service Broker does not authenticate the user that sent a message (ie. the user logged in that issues the SEND or BEGIN CONVERSATION statement). Because Service Broker is designed as a mean to communicate between applications, users connected to an application are a local concept that cannot be used for authentication purposes remotely. For example when Joe from accounting logs in to the Accounting application and this application has some data from the Inventory application, this later application will authorize the Accounting application not Joe. Perhaps the Inventory application doesn’t even have Joe’s credentials, and no one wants to add additional tight coupling between the applications by having them be aware of each other user base just to be able to communicate.

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Replacing Endpoint Certificates that are near expiration

October 25th, 2008

In my previous post I have explained how Database Mirroring and Service Broker use certificates for endpoint authentication. The only thing validated by SSB/DBM on a certificate are the valid-from date and the expiration date. In fact, even if SSB would not validate these dates, the TLS protocol used underneath by SSB/DBM authentication mechanism would validate these dates. In practice the only one that matter is the expiration date since the valid-from date is usually valid from the moment the certificate was created. Although if you follow this blog you know that I have already talked about a problem that may appear with certificates not yet valid, see

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How does Certificate based Authentication work

October 23rd, 2008

Service Broker and Database Mirroring may use certificates for authenticating endpoints as an alternative to NTLM/Kerberos authentication. This alternative is actually the only possible one whenever the servers involved are members of unrelated domains (or aren’t even members of a domain) and the default Windows based authentication is not possible. For Service Broker this scenario is more of the norm rather the exception, while for Database Mirroring this is the exceptional case. To configure an endpoint to use certificates for authentication you must specify the CERTIFICATE keyword in the CREATE/ALTER ENDPOINT statement:


‘Certificate based authentication’ for Service Broker and Database Mirroring sounds esoteric, yet is really nothing else but a variation of the SSL protocol used to authenticate web sites. To be strict, SQL Server will use TLS not SSL.

SSL and TLS provide a secure way to transmit a certificate from the server to the client and to establish a common secret later used to encrypt and sign traffic. How this is achieved is perhaps out of the scope of a database development oriented discussion, but if you really want to know the gory details MSDN documents the process in the SChannel SSPI reference:

  1. Client calls InitializeSecurityContext and sends to the server the output buffer(s).
  2. The server calls AcquireCredentialsHandle. The pAuthData parameter contains an SCHANNEL_CRED structure that describes the certificate used by the server for authentication.
  3. The server calls AcceptSecurityContext passing in the buffer(s) provided by the client. Any output buffer is sent back to the client.
  4. The client receives the buffer(s) from the server and calls again InitializeSecurityContext passing in the buffer(s) from the server. If any output buffer results, it is sent to the server.
  5. The server receives more buffer(s) from the client and calls again AcceptSecurityContext passing in the buffer(s) provided by the client. If any out buffer results, it is sent to the client.
  6. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated until no more output buffers are produced.
  7. The client calls QueryContextAttributes on the resulted security context and asks for the SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT attribute. With this call the client has obtained a copy of the certificate used by the server in step 2 to initiate the authentication process.
  8. Further traffic between client and server can be encrypted using the EncryptMessage and DecryptMessage functions.

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Error Handling and Activation

August 13th, 2008

I have previously talked here about the queue monitors and the role they play in launching activated procedures. If you recall, I’ve mentioned that the Queue Monitors will enter the NOTIFIED state after they launch a stored procedure and not launch again the procedure until the Queue Monitor notices that RECEIVE statements are being issued against the queue. In an older post I have also talked about how difficult is to get error handling right, and in particular cast and convention errors. This may seem a trivial problem but in the Service Broker programs it is actually a serious problem because of the frequent conversation to and from XML. These two separate issues can actually ‘cooperate’ into a somehow surprising behavior. Namely if the activated procedure hits an error before it completes the RECEIVE statement, the Queue Monitor will stay in NOTIFIED state and won’t activate again the procedure. Although this looks similar to the typical poison message behavior when the queue is automatically disabled, this is a different issue. And unlike the poison message case, in the case when the Queue Monitor is stranded in NOTIFIED state you can not get a notification that the queue is no longer functional.

This post continues with an example showing how a relatively safe activated procedure can end up in this situation.

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Understanding Queue Monitors

August 3rd, 2008

A major class of Service Broker applications have nothing to do with the distributed application capabilities SSB was designed for. Instead they leverage SSB’s capability to run a stored procedure outside the context of the user connection. This capability enables to schedule execution and don’t wait for it to finish, or to schedule multiple procedures to execute in paralel. Often the developers that use these capabilities don’t care for the reliable message delivery SSB offers and many see the complex infrastructure of message types, contracts and services as a mere hurdle. Nonetheless sooner or later they have to troubleshoot an issue and then is when many of you find my blog and my articles. Troubleshooting activated procedure is not difficult, but one simply has to know where to look and what to look for.

In this entry I want to shed some light in the soul that drives the activation process: the Queue Monitors.

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Resending messages

December 3rd, 2007

This article is a continuation of my two articles on using Service Broker as a pure data-push one-way communication channel: Reusing Conversations and Recycling Conversations. I originally did not plan for this third part, but I was more than once asked the same question: if a conversation is in error what happens to the messages that were sent but not yet delivered?

The short answer is that messages that are still pending are in the sender’s database sys.transmission_queue system table so when an Error message is received the sender can scan this table and resend each message that is still pending. An example of such procedure is not difficult to code:

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Error Handling in Service Broker procedures

October 31st, 2007

Error handling in T-SQL traditionally has been a sort of misterious voo-doo for most developers, with it’s mixture of error severities, SET settings like XACT_ABORT, ARITHABORT or ARITHIGNORE and the options to handle the error on the server or at the client. For a long time now the best resource I know on this subject was, and perhaps still is, Erland Sommarskog set of articles at and But the introduction of Service Broker activated procedures adds some new issues to consider when designing your application and this post is about what these issues are these and how to best cope with them. 

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Recycling Conversations

May 3rd, 2007

In my previous post Reusing Conversations I promised I’ll follow up with a solution to the question about how to end the conversations that are reused for the data-push scenario (logging, auditing, ETL for DW etc).

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Reusing Conversations

April 25th, 2007

One of the most common deployed patterns of using Service Broker is what I would call ‘data push’, when Service Broker conversations are used to send data one way only (from initiator to target). In this pattern the target never sends any message back to the initiator. Common applications for this pattern are:

· ETL from the transactions system to the data warehouse

· audit and logging

· aggregation of data from multiple sites

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