TRY CATCH THROW: Error handling changes in T-SQL

November 22nd, 2010

When SQL Server 2005 introduced BEGIN TRY and BEGIN CATCH syntax, it was a huge improvement over the previous error handling based on @@ERROR check after each statement. Finally, T-SQL joined the rank of programming languages, no more just a data access language. Experience has shown that exception handling leads to better code compared to error checks. Yes, SEH is slower, but is basically impossible to maintain the code discipline to check @@ERROR after every operation, so exception handling is just so much easier to get right. And besides, @@ERROR never had such a masterpiece article to guide you trough like A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling.

But when trying to use the new TRY/CATCH exception handling in T-SQL code, one problem quickly became apparent: the CATCH block was masking the original error metadata: error number/severity/state, error text, origin line and so on. Within a CATCH block the code was only allowed to raise a *new* error. Sure, the original error information could be passed on in the raised error message, but only as a message. The all important error code was changed. This may seem like a minor issue, but turns out to have a quite serious cascading effect: the caller now has to understand the new error codes raised by your code, instead of the original system error codes. If the application code was prepared to handle deadlocks (error code 1205) in a certain way (eg. retry the transaction), with a T-SQL TRY/CATCH block the deadlock error code would all of the sudden translate into something above 50000.

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AlwaysOn: High-Availability and reads Scale-Out

November 11th, 2010

Along with SQLPASS Summit 2010 announcements on SQL Server “Denali” features the MSDN site has published preliminary content on some of these features. Going over the “HADR” Overview (SQL Server) content we can get an early idea about this feature. This post summarizes the AlwaysOn technology, and compares it with its predecessor and close cousin, Database Mirroring. For brevity, I am intentionally omitting a lot of details.

The AlwaysOn technology in SQL Server “Denali”, also known by the project name “HADR” and often called Hadron, it is a huge improvement over its predecessor, Database Mirroring. Like Mirroring, AlwaysOn is also based on physical replication of database by shipping over the transaction log. In fact, it is not only similar to Database Mirroring but actually using the DBM technologies to replicate the database. The steps to set up AlwaysOn contain the steps to set up a Mirroring sessions, and the mirroring endpoints, catalog views and DMVs are still used to set up and monitor AlwaysOn. But AlwaysOn brings three more Aces to the table to make an unbeatable play:

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